Pupil Clubs & Organizations

Fine Arts Student Association FASA Logo Fine Arts Student Association

Join a club that makes a divergence and creates an artistic community. Any and all students who are interested in becoming aware of and involved in the Miami and FIU Art Community are welcome to bring together -No Talent needed, just a creative and open heed. Our mission is to create and maintain an artistic community for any and all students attending FIU in Miami. We promise to form potent and long lasting relationships betwixt the faculty, the students, and the rest of the customs through familiarizing ourselves with the art of the past, experiencing the art of the nowadays, and shaping the fine art of the hereafter.

Membership of the FASA shall be open to all students, alumni, faculty, staff of FIU, and all other persons interested in the goals and objectives of the association. This organization volition non discriminate in membership based on race, color, creed, sex activity, national origin, sexual orientation, historic period, handicap or political views.

To join FASA's public Facebook group, click here.

Follow them on Instagram: @fasa_fiu

IAD International Art and Design Logo

International Fine art & Design at FIU

Bring together a society and a customs of international graphic designers at FIU. The International Art & Pattern Club is an educational and career-oriented pupil system that inspires students to grow equally professional creatives in the field of graphic design and digital arts. IAD'south goal is to see, network, and learn from experts in the field. Our fun meetings include movie nights, games, lectures, educational workshops, and hands-on artistic events and competitions. IAD works in close relationship with AIGA, the American Plant of Graphic Arts, and other international organizations to support all creative endeavors. Thus, inspiring students in the arts to interact, seek opportunities, and exist prepared for their adjacent big step upon graduation.

Membership to IAD is open to all students, alumni, kinesthesia, and staff at FIU. No fees are required.

To join IAD, please go to  Panther Connect

Instagram: @iad.fiu

Entertainment Media Arts (EMA) at FIU logo

Entertainment Media Arts (EMA) Gild at FIU

The Amusement Media Arts (EMA) Social club at FIU is an educational and career-focused pupil arrangement dedicated to helping students understand the entertainment industry and learn almost their passions in art, animation, game pattern, music, and storytelling. EMA hopes to inspire a community where students tin support each other and make meaningful connections. Opportunities include educational workshops, connecting with professionals, and collaborating with young man creatives.

You can join EMA through Panther Connect

Detect us on Instagram @emaatfiu

F/8 Photography Group

The purpose of the F/8 Photography Group is to create a community of photographers at FIU who use the photographic medium as a tool for self expression, exploration, and recording events and ideas. Membership of the F/viii Photography Group shall be open to all students, alumni, kinesthesia, staff of FIU, and all other persons interested in the goals and objectives of the association. This organization will not discriminate in membership based on race, colour, creed, sexual practice, national origin, sexual orientation, historic period, handicap or political views.

Follow them on Instagram: @f8photogroup